I'm doing some late Christmas shopping, and I'm trying to find a gift for my father, who is really hard to buy for. I have one good lead, however. He likes to play Freecell and this shareware tile-matching Mahjong game, but he recently mentioned that he's getting a little bored of playing just those two games all the time. I had pointed him towards a couple of flash-based puzzle games that I was sure he'd like, but he came back with an odd complaint: He didn't like them because they have levels.
He doesn't want something that keeps giving him a "next" part to do; he wants to sit down, play for half an hour or so, and finish the game. He can do that with Freecell and Mahjong because there's just the one level. Maybe there's a different tile layout or game mode, but there's no progression. Play it, finish it, load up a new one.
So my question is, are there any good puzzle games out there that don't rely on having hundreds of levels to provide the replayability? I looked around on Impulse but didn't find anything.