Demigod: v1.0.105 (EXE version) v1.0.055 on Impulse
(tip, if you put your mouse over the Demigod icon in the bottom left in Impulse it will tell you the revision).
It’s Friday not and we’ve got the Demigod update out. So what’s new?
What isn’t in this update:
- The disconnect issue when joining a skirmish game. Highly frustrating. It’s some sort of timing issue where it’s just thinking people are too slow. GPG is working on this and we hope to have another update early next week.
- This is not the update with the Proxy Server setup. That’s also for next week. So if you simply cannot even see other players, this update won’t fix that, that’s something we’re going to try to get into next week. But I have a feeling that a lot of people were having timing issues which hopefully, at least in custom games, this version helps.
- We initially had a new NAT fascilitator which addressed quite a few things but quickly discovered that it wouldn't scale well to the # of users trying to use it thus creating a deadlock so we had to pull it. We'll give it a go again on Monday. We apologize for the delay on that.
We’ll be around this weekend to see how things go.
Good luck and thank you again for your patience.