Am I the only one who hates the way in video game terms 'heavy role playing elements' or 'rpg elements' means that the characters level up and get new skills/stats?
It's nothing to do with role playing in my opinion and it's sort of an abortion of the term.
Oh it is pretty much, but that is hardly Demigods or even the reviewers fault.
The evolution of the "RPG" term is of course closely tied to the evolution of computer RPGs... or rather the mutation into "MMO RPGs" where the term "RPG" pretty much lost all meaning other than "phat lewts and levels", as too many developpers "wised up" to how you can use said phat lewtz and levels to keep people playing almost indefinitely with trivial and repetitive tasks, which take a minimum of developpment effort - much less than elaborate storylines would take anyways - which is pretty much when roleplaying started to become a synonym for "phat lewtzs and levels", even if a game wasn't an MMO or didn't even employ similarily repetitive gameplay.
One could of course say it already started with "Diablo", but i would suggest that Diablo is more of a "missing link" in the evolution (devolution? lol) from storyline based RPG to MMORPGs mostly devoid of story or meaning - other than acquiring the next dangling carrot.
One could argue now wether MMORPGs need to be renamed into something else because they really lost all connection to what "roleplaying" actually stood for, or wether the term "RPG" has already been bastardized so much that it's really too late to change popular opinion.
In any case... it's a fact that if a reviewer, any reviewer nowadays, says "roleplaying elements" in his review then it will pretty much always be a game featuring "levels and phat lewts" in some form or the other and only rather rarely have anything to do with actual roleplaying lol.
So much for my roleplaying rant anyways.