A simple question, but not seeing any stickies regarding this, I figured I'd post a thread...
I purchased Demigod today and ran into somewhat of a problem right off the bat.
Am I being unusually blind or does the game not have a tutorial...?
Are players just expected to keep playing new games and finding everything out on their own? I'm not entirely against self-discovery and all, but such a method of starting new games has great potential for missing things...important things.
So aye, the question stands: is there a tutorial mode in the game that I've missed? Or is there some other way to learn gameplay mechanics in a comprehensive manner? All the info online seems to focus on separate concepts (the various units, structures, etc.) but not on the gameplay mechanics/goals as a whole, describing Demigod as a "revolutionary game" but never really pointing out exactly what the game is about in a precise detailed manner. Though to be honest, I haven't read that much online yet. I'm just curious as to why the game doesn't seem to have an introductory tutorial like pretty much every other RTS I've ever played.
Informative replies would be much appreciated.