Now before I get going, I think your doing a great job keeping us posted on the updates, and what your problems have been and how your trying to fix them. I also respect you alot for putting up with our complaints and whining etc. But heres a quote that got me a little angry.
Frogboy said
At least custom games are now largely bullet proof from what I'm seeing and chatting with other people (except, obviously for people who can't connect to anyone).
Ive had the game since Gamestop started selling it 2 days early. We all had trouble playing the first week, but I could connect to other people. The 2nd week, I could host and join games with little trouble. I never had to fiddle with anything on my D-Link DL-604 router at all up until last week. After a patch, I started a room and found out I couldnt host anymore. Unable to connect to Nat provider. HMMM that sucks. I know hosting on some games with a router is a no no, so ill just try joining someone elses game. HMMMMM Unable to connect to nat provider. Ok so now ill spend a few hours of my life figureing out my router and set up my static IP (THANK YOU MONK) and getting my ports open. GREAT!! EVERYTHING IS OPEN I CAN PLAY AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Or not.
Here are my current woes in the custom game lobby.
Since Friday up until today, I can host rooms that no longer display the Unable to connect to Nat provider screen. Doesn't mean anyone can join it. I can join rooms again. Of course I only connect to about 80% of the people. Which means that in 3v3 i connect to 4 people or 4v4 i connect to about 6 on average. Sometimes a little higher percentage. I had a chance to connect to 9 people in a 5v5 today before the 10th person joined and squashed my hopes. Once he couldnt connect the whole room seemed to crash as about 4 other people simultaniously dropped. But in every 1 out of 10 tries, I GET IN AN ACTUAL CUSTOM GAME!!! I GET TO PLAY FOR 10 MINUTES AND ITS A GLORIOUS FUNFILLED WONDER!! I LOVE THIS GAME, ILL NEVER STOP PLAYING IT,SOMUCHFUNICANTBELIEVEITSLEGAL!!!!!
Then people start dropping..... Not rage quiters mind you. But people who I have had a good time with, and were enjoying the game. No reason for them to leave. Just a 30 second delay after say, they make a good kill. Someone congratulates them. Then the game pauses...........30 seconds.......they are gone. That sucks. You guys gona stay? I ask. Yes they say. They want the favor points. Well I suppose 3v2 is better than no game at all. 2 Minutes later.............. It pauses again........This time the team that still had 3 people on it (My team) looses 2 memebers. Maybe the game itself was trying to balance out the one guy dropping on the other team and just miscounted. I ask if anyone is still in game. The other team responds. I tell them im going to leave too......but i only get halfway thru the message when they inform me of the same idea. Weeee theres 3 hours of fun down the poop shoot. Thats counting the trying to start 20 different games, waiting, crashing, getting booted, not connecting etc.... I talk to some people in the rooms as we wait for a game and ask if they have the same problems i do. Guess what the majority or so have very similar problems. Im not sure who you were talking to Frogboy, but my results doen't match yours.
My friends keep asking me how I like this game,and if they should buy it as I spend so much time with it. Heh, I keep telling I LOVE the game. Just dont buy it yet cuz its still to buggy. So, if any of you are still reading my rant, PLEASE PLEASE, help me show Frogboy how UNBULLET proof this custom lobby is yet. I've paid 40 bucks for a game THAT IS BROKEN!!! As have the rest of you, some of you more. So all you have to do is reply to this rant(SORRY ABOUT THE LENGTH) and say DITTO or ME TOO or whatever to let them know they are NOT done with the custom lobby yet. Berg