Man, Axyun, his brother and I just had the best fucking L4D games EVER!
I really wanna see this clan take off because that was the most fun I've had on L4D in a long while. Thanks Axyun and dont_shoot_me. lol
But please... can I NOT be the black guy next time? >.> lol
@Tidus - and yeah you're right, I hate those fuckers. I do tend to get bossy and I'll admit it, but that's not to be a bitch and I don't DEMAND that everyone does what I want, I compromise and ask other players what they want as well. Just sometimes, in the heat of the moment, I'll say something in a bossy tone and some players take that the wrong way.
Also, here's an idea, how about we have our first official clan game this Sunday? I'll try to stay sign on all day and whenever you guys get online, just message me. We'll try to get a game rolling.
Once again, the name is Metalphor.