I'm really not the kind that gets upset all too easily, but yesterday i had an opponent who simply went over the line for me. No, there will be no names mentioned. I only write this in hopes that by doing so i will encounter less people like that one.
I did write a big wall of text about what happened, but quite frankly noone - not even me - gives a sh!t, so lets just get past that and focus on what SHOULD AND SHOULD NOT HAPPEN IN A GAME.
Okay, lets start at the beginning. Game lobby:
- Read the game's title. If it says pings<150 and you have 600 ping to the guy hosting the game, then do yourself a favor and not waste your time and his by clicking ready instead of leave.
- Always check the game settings once you enter a game. Learned this the hard way myself, but its quite annoying if you leave because the game settings are not to your liking, and quite frankly.. its only yourself you can blame if that happens. Just click the game settings button and you will see them.
- Say hi, when you enter a game and generally be polite. I've seen plenty of people join the game, click ready and the next you can hear from them - and the first line is - RDY UP, GOGOGO. I always have to resist the urge to just kick these players.
First: greeting the others is the most basic act that any kind of good manners would require.
Second: writing all caps makes you look incredibly stupid, so better turn off the caps lock before they think you wrote it all caps intentionally
Third: this is not a horse race.. no need to rush things. Pleople might still be connecting, selecting their demigod, etc.. Not to mention, that it makes you look inpatient and arrogant.
- Although quite a few might disagree with me on this, but i will say it nonetheless. Unless its a 4v4 or 5v5, try not to select demigods that others already picked on your team. Many reasons really.. sure i try to be nice and allow people to play what they like best - are best with, but apart from that, i favor varied teams with no double / triple selections of the same demigod.
Once you are in the game:
- Keep being nice. Do not insult / criticize players even if you think you are right. Try to help them instead if you are feeling pro enough to be a judge of their play.
- Especially stay away from criticizing your team openly. Its a sure sign that a player on the other team indeed stinks: YOU.
- Never quit a game prematurely, unless your whole team did agree on giving up / its a real life issue. Quitting because YOU think you are losing is plain stupid. Quitting without the consent of your team leaves them hanging there with 1 less.
- Did i mention being nice? That includes your opponents as well.
Be a good sport and do not spoil their victory neither should you humiliate them unnecessarily in their defeat.
A few practical tips from me gameplay wise:
- Watch out for what your teammates are doing, see where the action is and try to go and be of help if they are fighting someone. Not only do you increase the odds of your team's survival, but also increase the odds of killing their demigods by doing so.
- Learn when to upgrade the citadel properly and what to upgrade in it. Ever so often i find myself with newer players who would just go after any creep upgrade they can get their hands on. Do not do that. They just feed the enemy more XP and gold. Unless you absolutely know what you are doing, stick to gold and XP upgrades plus the first tower hp and tower damage upgrade. The rest of the money, spend on items / scolls of save them for later when you will have to upgrade the creeps.
- Learn the effectiveness of teleport and lock scrolls. There is nothing more annoying than locking a flag just when the enemy is about to capture it then going on your business to take a flag elsewhere. 45 seconds seem way too little, but keep in mind, that quite a few games end in well under 30 minutes.. its a lot if you have to wait it out, trust me. Also use teleports to get to troubled locations or safety quickly. Keep in mind, that you can cancel the teleport while it is being cast. So if you see an enemy harass a friendly player, you can start porting to the flag.. he will see the teleport marker appear and most likely retreat. Then you can cancel the casting by giving a move order. This way, you did force an enemy to break off attacking without even being there and also saved a scroll for later use. He might not eat this trick and continue chasing, in which case you just finish the teleport and chase him off yourself. The important lesson here is learning your options.
Final words:
I think i could go on as far as tactics go, but its not the point of this thread, plus its mostly subjective, based on my experience / knowledge. Take it as such.. advice from someone who hopefully knows what hes doing, but theres no guarantees 
If my advice on behavior and good conduct will turn just a single soul to be a better player, then i will already be happy. Other than that, enjoy your games.