1) u can remake regardless it isnt relevant
Yeah it is. It suggest they need not waste development and testing time on a feature that isn't needed at the start of games.
2)is still the same regardless of change
No, it's not. What if whatever scale factor they give the AI makes it actually advantageous that the human player left? If you have a human feeder on your team, suddenly there is an incentive to ENCOURAGE him to rage quit so you can have an AI with marked benefits. If BOTH teams have one human feeder, the team that got their feeder to rage quit suddenly has an ADVANTAGE. Why encourage rage quitting in this way?
3)tough luck, but need the lucky team be awarded as well? double tough luck?
Like I said, nonissue. How many games crash/dc mid game? This game is unstable, but it doesn't crash mid-game for me or most people it seems. And if they mysteriously dc it's probably their network connection, not demigod... if that induces a loss oh well; blame them and don't expect the game to compensate for their shoddy connection... just don't play with them again.
4)u cant see which one is AI? u call that a disadvantage ? cmon u are playing 2v1 or 3v2 etc, i cant take that comment serious
Why not? There's no I AM AN AI SO I AM NOT WORTH AS MUCH GOLD overlay indicating anything. The point is simply that it creates an inconsistency in the game logic that is neither obvious nor intuitive. It also creates an endless balancing problem; what if they improve the AI in the game? Suddenly they have to rebalance the AI kill worth. It just isn't worth the effort IMO. Like I said, we want to play humans vs. humans. If they rage quit (which shouldn't happen as often now) you were probably gonna lose anyway. And the other corner cases (they dc mid-game "by accident" not happening often enough and dc's at the start of the game you can just remake) make this venture an unnecessary waste of dev time.
5)again how many people disconnect isnt relevant since the change only takes place WHEN people disconnect/quit
besides i dont know where u from or if u play only with friends,i see a guy drop at least once every 3 games
I do too. Like I said, it was because they were probably gonna lose anyway. Also like I said, because of the harsher penalties on disconnects this is a trend that should be taking a drastic downturn anyway.
what u forget
Ive had a couple of games leading like 3lvls (lvl 10 vs lvl 7) and then i had a guy drop and the opposing team started to kill the AI like mad and that gave them such an advantage that they won the game. If i had just an AI without feeding them all that gold and exp, i would have still won those games being ahead so far.
Oh boy; totally overlooked the fact that sometimes the AI dies more than it should 
I know the problem you are trying to solve, but this isn't a solution. It creates unintuitive and unclear gameplay nuances, marks another area that requires development and rebalancing, doesn't fix the problem anyway, and attempts to fix a problem that is being dealt with better via 1.) future improvements to the AI and 2.) increases to penalties for disconnecting anyway.
IMO, file this suggestion under "meh"