we have to get the facts straight
I dont consider myself a whiner, i stay every game i play even so i have disconnected or crashed a couple of times.
Saying disconnects arent an issue is just not real, for a majority of players it is a reality they have to face.
Punishing players for something they cant control isnt a good solution
Banning players with a dodgy connection is very harsh, i know people that have a good connection but they can get problems beyond their control, like certain weather conditions or isp failures (when theres only 1 isp they can subscribe to). These players are able to play but they might have problems now and then.Banning them would exclude them forever even though their connection is good again.
Excluding players for whatever reason doesnt seem tobe a real good solution, since the playercount in this game isnt huge anyway.
Like stated elsewhere nomatter how many hours u spend on fixing u will see AI players taking over. The real question is how to deal with it.
Saying u can improve AI upto human lvl is a ridiculous statement, that wont happen in the near future (near as in this year)
What is suggested is a real simple fix, calling it a bandaid doesnt change the fact that it stops the bleeding (again weak argument)
The only 3 valid reasons opposed to this are (as far as i can see):
1) the fix doesnt have the desired effect
2) the fix would have unwanted sideffects, that will make the game WORSE than the current problem
3) there are better ,and more important: REALISTIC, ideas to solve this problem
I havent seen any of these reasons convincingly displayed in this thread so maybe the people against it can try to fill in these points and make me see different