I'll try to be positive, but its hard at the moment. I just played my very first 1.1 game (4v4 on Levi), and instantly, after his first death, 3 or 4 minutes into the game, Puck023 conceded.
3 or 4 minutes afterwards, Frostbyte2786, also instantly after his first death, conceded.
I know a lot of you are tired of hearing me complain about rage quitting, but I am tired of sitting down for a game and having it ruined. I know the concede option was added with good intentions, but I don't really think anything can be done about it. The community is just garbage.
So, after the stat reset, on my very first game, I get to eat a loss due to rage concedes.
There is no longer any reason to play Demigod at all unless you play with friends in premades, so that's exactly what I will do. And to all the people bitching about premades, you've all brought it on yourselves.