After playing a few games of Demigod, it's fairly obvious that there can be either a lack of, or a delay in, communications due to the lack of in-game voice chat. Most games acquire their own abbreviations naturally as the game progresses, however I thouht perhaps we, as a community, could come up with our own abbreviations to help make communicating a little easier and faster.
If for nothing else, when a player sees an abbreviation they don't understand this might help serve as a point of reference to help decypher what everyone is saying.
So, write down any abbreviations you use or have seen, or ones you think might be helpful, and hopefully we can get a bit more communication happening in game!
- GL HF - Good Luck Have Fun. Used at the start of a game as a sign of good sportsmenship.
- GG - Good Game. Used at the end of a game as a sign of good sportsmenship.
- RTB - Returning to Base. Lets out players know your headed back to your team's Citadel.
- PB - Pulling Back. Used to warn other players that your pulling back from your current location.
- NH - Need Help. Let's the other players know you're in trouble and need some assistance.