I'm not impressed. Never has he made a game that specified "Teams" or "Premades" only. Seems to always play with his Premade team vs Pugs. You would think that within 100 games he would have or tried to setup a Teams / Premades only game. Not hard to smash pugs all day with a Team.
There is nothing wrong with playing with your premade and smashing pugs, but at least try to schedule in some team games.
I am impressed with the lack of crashes, considering that since the last patch I have been starting to crash damn near every game.
You should check your facts before criticizing:
The fact of the matter is there are not enough premades out there to challenge us very often. When they want a game, we play. Sometimes when we join other premade games, we get kicked.
Another thing you can't tell from the stats: RapierX never hosts.
P.S. If it weren't for that one crashed game I would be at 150 right now
. Stardock really really really needs to get team automatch working soon.