I've been tinkering around with some ideas recently, trying to figure out if they work.
I was actually expecting total failure here, and that is what I started with. My first ideas were to play a silly 'fireball' build for TB, just to see if it could go somewhere: This build is rank 4 fireball, rank 3 Fire Aura, and 3 points in Enhanced Attributes.
As expected, it wasn't very good. Why? As much as a fireball based kiting strategy was somewhat effective (fire aura 3 gives you +15% move speed, and since fireball is your only spell, you need almost no mana regen effects) you just didn't pull your weight in 3v3 combats. Unless your allies were primarily auto attacking (Where the +15% attack speed shines) you were contributing fairly minor damage.
However, obviously you have those 3 points in enhanced attributes which could easily go somewhere else... So here's what I do:
- Fireball 1
- Fire Aura 1
- Deep Freeze 1
- Fireball 2
- Fire Aura 2
- Ice Nova 1
- Fireball 3
- Fire Aura 3
- Save
- Fireball 4, Frost Nova 2
A 3/7 Ice/Fire split. I used Staff of Renewal for this strat.
This is a fireball kite build, that also has the full 'control' suite from ice if needed (Good for 2v2 or 3v3's). I call it "Torch Support" because while you are kiting, any allies nearby can close faster, and attack faster. You also do pretty well just standing in the back and firing between fireballs.
The choice for Fire Aura is going to be, I know, the most controversial part of this build. Afterall, TB in firemode can't shoot on the run. That is true, but he can FIREBALL on the run. Also, if he outspeeds the opponent you can 'move past' them to get in extra shots. If absolutely necessary you can shift to ice and go that route. That said, your friends and allies nearby ARE going to be able to chase... and chase well. The fire aura's bonus to speed is greater than the ice aura's penalty, and it also increases attack speed making it ideal for an ally to auto attack a runner.
Weaknesses: First and foremost is the complete lack of AoE. This is something that TB players will likely find appalling. It's what he DOES afterall, right? Well, I don't really disagree, so you may find getting a point in Fire Nova instead of Deep freeze to be more worth it, though it depends on the game (opponents getting early priests for instance).
Itemization is where I like this build. Since you are even more mana efficient than most TB builds, you can often get away with the most minor of mana regen effects, and since you rely on the trim sexy little fireball for damage (not rain of ice) you also tend to be able to go into 'overdrive' and start laying down freezes and nova's as fast as possible. Great in 3v3 combats where group stuns, and interrupts are almost always stronger than generic damage.
Thoughts for modification: Try the anklet for super mobility. This is one of the few play strategies where movement can be greater than HP (kiting). You could also use the Heaven's wrath to mitigate out the lack of AoE (And it's normal goodness).