Hey all,
So I've been playing guitar for a few months now and I think I've made awesome progress. I can play a handful of chords now and play songs with the right strumming! I know, big whoop, haha. I just bought a Yamaha APX500 also, it's an Acous/Elec since I'll be performing this Fall at my College.
Anywho, I just wanted to ask you guitarists for any learning tips you may have. For example, I build up callus but when I take a shower at night, that mother hurts! It peels off and is so soar. I thought by now it'd be hard enough. Also, I can't do bar chords real well, I'm teaching myself everything off of videos online and just looking up songs and chords and figuring it out on my own.
I have one problem, I don't use a pick. It started off because I didn't want to make such a loud noise(had a roommate) so I used my bare hand to strum(thumb and index finger kinda, it's weird) and now I can't use a pick! I play so much better without one. The problem is that the sound is muffled and not as clear as a pick. Has anyone else had this happen to them?
Any help in anything guitar related would be friggin sweet. Thanks a lot.
- Elixir