Tuk has some very valid points, part of the reason I said in an earlier post we really need to see more details on exactly how this friends check box system would work. The best solution would be copy TFT's ladder or some other game, many have done it right or at least pretty good already, that's what blizzard always does and look where they are. So here is a few more points to a new system I'd like to see and I think would help:
--Show ranking of players in lobby
--Seperate rankings for "random team, ie PUG everyone" and "arranged team, ie you pick your teamates and search for others who picked their teamates"
--Seperate rankings for custom games, they should be for experimenting and fun but instead they are all there really is right now unless you enjoy playing 1v3 matches on occasion or any other of the wierd things that happen in panth/skirmish
--Better friends chat and grouping, I'm amazed when I actually get a tell from a friend in this, also helpful would be a command to send them a tell in game in their chat window (again like many other games have, TFT comes to mind).
--Default chat lobbys you are auto logged into
--OH and number 1, fix stats and stats keeping, without it none of the above probably matters much. I just looked at my game list from last night, one game the other team had a lagger and a few deaths, they got mad and started leaving, i believe the game went 3-6 minutes or something like that, I was the host, it gave me the win (as I think it should have) but showed both my teamates as losing. How does host get a win and 5 players get a loss including the players on the hosts team? That doesn't make any sense. Also again, Disc=loss, it happens sometimes and it sucks when you legitly disc, but it sucks even more that people can disc on purpose to avoid losses, I've never seen any other game that treats it that way for that very reason.