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I found myself picking serpent blade more often. Rook can be a mana gussler. Activate and one hammer slam on a creep wave (kudos if you get a few minions squished in there) and you go from no mana to full mana. I usually hide behind my towers healing for free. Until they can challenge your tower base you're safe. Mana = stun, burst damage, defence and healing... infinite mana is nice. The extra damage is also nice and keeps people out of your tower fort for another level
Also TOWER DECOYS build a tower right infront of an enemy tower, walk away quickly and come back. The enemy towers will focus on your tower and give you 12 seconds of beat down at zero HP cost.
Focus fire your towers... I rarely see people select a target for their tower far... double click ONE tower (selects all towers) then right click the demigod you want to kill. This makes towers much more effective (and dishing out 500-600 damage a shot if someone enters hurts even at high levels)