people have called me a "good" QoT player... I think she still sucks. I have had a lot of luck with a support/minion build. here is my typical start for cata
Ankelet for speed (Cloak is another option but it's more aggressive)
Shield 1 - cast on teamate right away
Buy priests
Get middle
send a priest to each lane to heal teamate. If you're ambitious tag each creep with a single priest hit before your teamate kills them... this way you share XP and can hold the middle while farming creeps
Try and stay in the middle, run between the two lanes shielding your teamates and help in those 2v1 situations. The middle flag is your job to hold... always lock it if the enemy will take it. keep a priest at each lane... the constant 10% heal to your teamates is glorious and will keep them in their lane holding their flag.
I go minion speck from their on out. If the enemy is back at base sacrifice your shamblers to deal a little bit of damage to a tower. Remember to spread them out so you don't get tower splashed