Hi, there seems to be a lot of trouble in the community over Premade Pantheon battles, I have two excellent Strategies to counter them.
First technique is communication based, if you are struggling you may copy and paste, then merely insert the appropriate names and use the impulse chat program.
"Hi <insert player name here> haven't seen you for a while, how have you been?"
"Good thanks, how about you?"
"Not to bad, would you like to team up for a game?"
"Sure that would be great"
The other technique is for those that already have friends IRL and it goes something like this.
"Hey man thanks for buying Demigod, trust me, we are going to have so much fun together. This isn't like those other games where some people sit around all day farming huge amounts of gold so they can call others noobs when they get home for a casual 30 minute gaming session"
"It's cool bro looks like a good game. I hope I don't let you down"
"you won't man, let's just have some fun."