the sedna "exploit" has absolutly nothing todo with this stat result. i played her before the fix and after and who ever things it made much of a difference has absolutly NO clue about sedna!
i had some discussions about that shortly before the fix. they all told me it will be a major impact after the fix for the bug users. as i already said they were plain wrong!
the above stats do not show the strongest dgs on top but the easiest to play well! see the rook he is one of the strongest but for the first player skill levels one of the hardest. people don't know how to retreat right so they die too much. similar things hold for the others.
i would agree that qot is maybe the weekest but the difference is not as much as it seems. but she is one of the hardest to play. she needs only some minor fixes to put her on par but most people would still suck with qot.