I will fully admit: I lost fair and square here... several very good games tonight, it was pretty fun.
However, this last game is listed as an 'Incomplete' with a 47 minute length.
I noticed when the game completed, the game locked up for about 30 seconds and I was unable to see the chat. I tried to type: nothing, but I did hear the noise of the chat. I obviously didn't disconnect (I was in the end-game chatroom still).
I alt-tabbed, opened up Demigod again, and it was now working and did a little bit of chitchat.
I think that I'm a reputable host, and though I do have a fair amount of disconnects (about 20, I think), those are all incidental gamecrashes, except 1, where I rage-quitted because of one my teammates went AFK for 15 minutes and the other team was screweing around and refusing to just win.
I'd just like to see a solution/answer to this so I know what's up. Thanks