My idea is based on Dekan fighter from ROHAN Online. In there dekan is human like creature which have blood of dragons in his veins.
Dragon's child origins
When Progenitor walked the Earth creating his offsprings he venture thru small city of Al-Azam. He felt strong mystical force vibrating from this city. Upon entering he saw everyone in the city are in their full health, everyone is happy and enjoying their lives. Progenitor realized it must be that mystical force which helps people, that made him curius even more. He kept looking for it when finaly he came to small hut which was surronded with gifts from people. It was house of Aureliis. The greatest healer know to humans. Progenitor himeself witness her healing a pilgrims. However it seemed every time she healed someone she abosrbs the sicknes herself, when she healed blind women she became blind herself for some time. Progenitor could not understand where such power might come from but he realized mixing it with his own will create very powerfull offspring. One that might one day take his place.
Aurion powers [each form got one extra ability, u guys can decide which should be removed]
[You can also decide wheter Luck of heros or Switch form related effects should be removed]
Aurion (same like Torch Bearer) can fight in human form (sharing power and mercy from his mother) or dragon like form (Progenitor, his father awoke power and anger of his dragon grandfathers in him)
Stats - Aurion will be assasin not general, he can benefit from stats like every assasin.
Switch form - Upon changin his form Aurion (kind of like regulus at lvl 15 poping wings) will do the following:
Aurion Dragon -> Aurion Human - at lvl 15 Aurion can heal his nearby teammates for 500hp
Aurion Human -> Aurion Dragon - at lvl 15 Aurion can damage nearby enemies for 500
10 sec cooldown before being able to change again
Luck of Heros - At level 15 Aurion can use skill which will increase probability of chance effect by 20% (for example 30% chance to deal critical damage, with that skill it will be 50%)(maybe aura that will affect friendly units too)
Aurion human
Aurions mercy (active ability) - Aurion activates aura around himself, when friendly demigod is in range of it and being hit he recives only X% of damage, Aurion recives Y% of damage, there is also Z% chance that damage will be swapped for manaand split between Aurion and targeted ally. Affects all friendly units in range. Once activated this ability cant be switched off for 10 sec (beast spit like range)
Lvl 1 X=75% Y=50% Z=5% (enemy hits 2 people for 125%) (erebus mist like mana cost)
Lvl 4 X=50% Y=75% Z=7%
Lvl 7 X=30% Y=100% Z=10%
Lvl 10 X=20% Y=150% Z=15%
Lvl 15 X=15% Y=210% Z=25%, extra 5% chance that no one will recive dmg (enemy hits 2 people for 225%, but there is 30% chance it wont do any damage{23% for mana swap and 5% negates})
Aurions sacrafice (targeting ability) - Aurion can sacrafice his own life force(lose hp so teammate gains it) to save companion, to that that he needs to be able to tuch his companion (say 2ft. radius like lvl one rook tower summoning) which endangers himself.
Lvl 5 Sacrafices 250 of his life for companion healing him for 20 (mana 400 cooldown 3s)
Lvl 10 Sacrafices 1250 of his life for companion healing him for 1000 (mana 800 cooldown 3s)
Lvl 15 Sacrafices 2500 of his life for companion healing him for 2000 (mana 1200 cooldown 3s)
Aurion protection (targeting ability) - Aurion usese his powers to create barrier (oak shield like) aroun ally, unit or building (tower, citadel etc). This ability cost mana X and damage taken by barrier are transfered to Aurion Y. Shield last Z minutes, after that disapears without Aurion taking dmg)
Lvl 1 X=600 Y=400 Z=1,5 (uses 600 mana to create 400hp barrier, if barrier is taking dmg Aurion also recives them, last 1,5 minute)
Lvl 4 X=800 Y=550 Z=3
Lvl 7 X=1000 Y=1000 Z=5
Lvl 10 X=1300 Y=1800 Z=8
Lvl 15 X=1500 Y=3000 Z=10
Aurion generosity (passive ability)(TB like) - Aurion is surrounded by passive aurawhich benefits his friends, it's power increases over time. Affect hp regen X, movement speed Y, enemy attack speed reduction Z (range like sedna healing wind)
Lvl 1 X=5hp/s Y=5% Z=2%
Lvl 10 X=10hp/s Y=10% Z=7%
Lvl 15 X=20hp/s Y=15% Z=10%
Mana burn (active, targeting ability) - Aurion understanding of magical power grows futher. He is now able to take away enemy mana suply X using his own Y. This ability also interupts (oak pentience like skill(fast casting, 5 sec cooldown), beast spit like range,)
Lvl 1 X=450 Y=400 (by using 250 of ur mana u can destroy 200 of enemy mana )
Lvl 4 X=800 Y=800 10% chance that you will absorb enemy mana
Lvl 7 X=1200 Y=1500 20% chance that you will absorb enemy mana
Lvl 10 X=1600 Y=2000 40% chance that you will absorb enemy mana
Lvl 15 X=2000 Y=2500 60% chance that you will absorb enemy mana (by using 2000 mana u will destoy enemy 2500 mana and interupt his ability{if he was casting one} you also have chance that you will absorb enemy mana {2500})
Aurion Dragon
Blood Lust (active ability) - Aurions anger takes over, he dosnt care about his life as long he is able to kill his enemy. He recive A armor and B% of his hit points for C minute, after that time he is stunned for D seconds and his hit points reduced (or he will be healed) to E % of his original hit points
Lvl 1 A=250 B=+20% C=0,5minute D=1 sec E=40%
Lvl 4 A=450 B=+40% C=1,5minute D=3 sec E=30%
Lvl 7 A=800 B=+60% C=3minute D=5 sec E=20% [5%chance that stun wont occur]
Lvl 10 A=1000 B=+80% C=5minute D=8 sec E=25% [7%chance that stun wont occur]
Lvl 15 A=1500 B=+100% C=7minute D=10 sec E=10% [10%chance that stun wont occur]
Burning Blood (active aura) - Aurion can now master fire. He can surround himself with fire aura which drains mana/sX but deals damage/sY to enemy units and buildngs. Cost mana to castZ (moving circle of fire )
Lvl 1 X=25mana/s Y=15 Z=50
Lvl 4 X=50mana/s Y=25 Z=150
Lvl 7 X=75mana/s Y=50 Z=300 [movement speed increased by 5% when active]
Lvl 10 X=100mana/s Y=100 Z=600 [movement speed increased by 10% when active]
Lvl 15 X=125mana/s Y=150 Z=800 [movement speed increased by 15% when active]
Fathers Rage (active, targeting ability) - (same as rain of ice TB,mana,range)Aurions dragon guardians in the sky sends fire of ice to a target area dealing damageA to EEVERYONE in the area.Cost mana B. There is also chanceC that enemy only will be caught on fire and have movement speed reducedD and take dmg over timeE.
Lvl 5 A=400dmg B=200mana C=25% D=10% E=300/over 5sec
Lvl 10 A=650dmg B=350mana C=50% D=15% E=600/over 5sec
Lvl 15 A=1000dmg B=500mana C=70% D=20% E=800/over 5sec
Dragons Heritage (passive aura) - Aurion understands his origin and power he posses. He is now surrounded with aura that not only gives him magical energy (mana per second X) but also can distrupt enemy casting and stun them (Y%)[when enemy uses scrol, potion, item or ability there is Y% chance that it will fail and he will stuned for Z second]
Lvl 5 X=2 Y=3% Z=1sec
Lvl 10 X=4,5 Y=5% Z=3sec
Lvl 15 X=9 Y=10% Z=5sec
Dragons Destiny (active ability) - Aurion masters fire even futher, he can now enflame (surround with fire) his weapon to deal more dmg X, during that time he also suffers damage Y (ooze beast)
Lvl 5 X=75dmg Y=20dmg
Lvl 10 X=150dmg Y=40dmg
Lvl 15 X=300dmg Y=80dmg
Playin style
Well it wont be easy (rotfl). It is character for expierienced players who can assume what happens when they cast abilities.This not even beta of the sketch. So I am aware it would need tweaking to make this character more balanced, I realize this character will be both mana and hp depended, but in retun offers so much(specially dragon form). Damage output from dragon form in late game would be insane, but u gotta be carefull specially with Blood Lust which got chance to stun you with little hp, thats the price for becoming almost unkillable. Mothers mercy and Aurion protection are also very powerfull and dangerus spells for you. You need to be very carefull when u decide to use them.
So u got 2 character one is ultimate support character and the other one is killing machine.
Few Last Words
Wow!! if u get this far i just got fev more things to say: Comments are welcome. Constructive coments are more then welcome.
If wanna be abusive () remember silence is gold, ducktape is silver. Thanks for reading (took me only 3 hours writing lol).
PS.> I am not native speaker sorry for misspelling, but i think it is easy to understand what i mean, and there is no point to point those out. If u saw something looking like the one i created here be sure that i was not aware of it and didnt try to copy anyones work. All skills and history is created by me.
PPS. I also included pictures of rohan Dekan to show you example how he can look like
Dekan Thanks to