Shouldnt this thread be about how underpowered TB is?
People are saying its balanced but lets put it this way. Can a decent TB beat ANY Demigod in a 1v1? Is it even a decent ally half the time?
Should he be able to beat any DG 1v1? Why bother with a melee character that's not more powerful than a ranged character? That being said, yes, he can beat some 1v1, though he certainly struggles with a DG like UB or Sedna.
I think gkrit made a perfectly valid point. Circle of Fire is too weak for such an easily avoided magic spell and his entire ability set is too mana intensive.
You can't avoid CoF if it's where you need to fight. The entire team can't just cede ground or stop chasing every single time TB casts CoF, eventually they've gotta fight in it.
Put this with the fact he cant auto attack in fire and has one of the lowest amounts of health in the game he seems to be struggling amongst the rest
Certainly his autoattack needs to be fixed. I sincerely believe I could make a fire build work against good opponents if only that worked, some other minor improvements in conjunction with that fix would make him quite viable.