New demigod that I came up with:
Name: JuniPo
Type: General, Forces of Dark
A: A two character team, against all odds, made up of a little girl with short black hair, and fully black eyes, and a monstrous doll with white eyes. The doll (Po) is a large baby made of gold that can change size and has a vast array of fireworks on its baby. Both characters wear traditional Chinese robes; Po wears a pack of fireworks, and an open parasol on his back, when he releases the fireworks, the umbrella closes first. Juniper holds on her left hand a parasol too. On her right hand is a large chain that holds Po's collar around his neck; her right hand and partly her lower arm is made of gold. Main coloring is gold and red.
B: The creatures are like regular snakes, green, yellow, brown, etc. to attack they nite at the heel or coil around.
Taunts: A: Juniper, sweet, innocent voice B: Po, child, baby voice
1. "He, he, he, if you stand in my way, I will posses your soul" (A)
2."I shall feed on your carcass." (
3. "I just want a friend" (A)
4. "Wanna play with my doll?" (A)
5. *baby crying* (
Pros: Powerful attack abilities, Strong amour
Cons: Limited control of each character, Abilities depend on which character is active
Game Play: Weaken the enemy with Juniper’s abilities and switch to Po’s massive health and damage. Be careful not to engage battle as Juniper as you will die quickly. Be aware that Po has a small amount of mana; although his skills are quite useful, pick them wisely. If one dies so does the other.
Back-story: Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Juniper. She was very happy, liviing in a cottage near the woods with her grandmother. Juniper at the age of 6 had learned, from her grandmother herself, that her very own grandmother was a witch. A good witch, Grandma would say. Her grandmother also explained that while they lived out in the open pastures, within the woods was another witch. A bad witch, Grandma would say. Juniper constantly played at the edge of pastures, almost in the woods. So grandma would always say: "Come play closer child." Juniper always did as she was told. One sunny day, Grandma decided to take an afternoon nap, and Juniper got her parasol and a box of dolls to play with outside. She went all the way to the edge of the pasture, almost touching one of the dead trees in the forest. So Juniper sat down, left her parasol open on the ground to cas a shadow on her playing area, and opened up the bow of dolls. As she picked up the cutest one she had, she her a whisper comming from the woods. A shadowy figureloomed withing the forest and it said hello to the child. Juniper was not startled, she was well aware that it was the bad witch. The witch asked what the little girl had on her hands. The girl said that it was a brand new doll. A doll you say? The witch had asked, and the girl aswered with a nod. The witch told a sad story to the girl's naive mind of how the witch herself was not allowed to play with dolls when she was the girl's age. Juniper sheded a tear and offered the doll for the old lady to play with. The witch accepted the offer and the girl made the doll roll on the ground to the witch. It hit a rock and bounced right to the witches hands. She took a close look and admired out loud at the baby doll's cute appearence. Juniper smile at the old lady's satisfaction. The witch sundenly looked stern and quickly told the girl to get her doll back, she also said for the girl to bring her parasol so that the witch may step under it and take a better look at the girl; the sun bothered her skin very much. Without thinking, Juniper took her parisol and stepped to the line between the woods and the pasture. Juniper took a hold of the doll's left arm as the witch holded the doll's. The witch mooved under the parasol, but Juniper was too afraid to look up. Oh dear, said the witch, you look so healthy and beautiful; you remind me of myself in my younger years. Tell me what is your name? It must be Beautiful too! Juniper said her name outloud. The witch said back with a nasty growl; Behold Juniper, your name is mine and so is your body! The witch trew black soil at Juniper's doll, and said she wouldnt be old anymore. The dusty soil turned to gold, and the witch let go of the doll that was turning the go to. Juniper was pulling on her prized doll to escape without getting in trouble; as the witch let go, Juniper lost her balance and fell back, still holding the doll. Po had turned completly gold, and Juniper's hand was turning gold too, but she let go of the doll and it stoped. Juniper's Grandmother had been running as fast as she could to save her granddaughter. The witch took the parasol and leaped towards Juniper. The witch grabed Juniper's face, and said the girl's name outloud. This caused her to posses Juniper's body. Grandma headed for the doll, since the spell only worked once, for the marked object/person. Grandma yelled out, Po Po Mo, and touched the doll. This was a specialization of the spell which caused the golden doll (Po) to enlarge ( Po Mo). Grandma new that the witch would take little care for granddaughter’s body; so she vowed to follow her and take care of the witch until she found an antidote and saved her granddaughter by releasing the witch. Guessing this, the witch chained the monstrous doll, so that it may never leave her sight. The two beings walked along the earth, one looking for power for immortality, another looking for power in order to retrieve a lost loved one.
Abilities – Active: Juniper:
Hotkey 1: Jinx – 5 Lvls. – 500 mana - 3/2.5/2/1/instant CT - 20/20/20/20/25 CD – Juniper jinxes all demigod’s in her line of sight, slowing them down by 3%/5%/7%/10%/15%, decreasing armor by 300/400/500/600/700, decreasing attack speed by 5%/7%/10%/12%15%, decreasing attack by 30/60/90/120/150
Hoteky 2: Hex – 5 Lvls. – 500 mana - 3/2.5/2/1/instant CT - 25/25/25/25/25 CD – Juniper places a hex on an enemy demigod that lasts for 1min/1min/1.5min/2min/until death. The enemy looses 10%/25%/50%/75%/100% mana instantly, also looses 1%/2%/3%/4%/5% health for 200sec/100sec/66sec/50sec/40sec
Hotkey 3: Demon’s Cast – 3 Lvls. – 1500 mana - 5/5/5/3/instant CT - 35/35/35/35/35 CD – Juniper breaks Po’s belly by striking it with her parasol. A black void sucks all enemy creatures on line of sight and the broken pieces which seal up the vacuum. Po then regurgitates them and they come out like snakes. Sucks up to 40/80/120/160/200 enemies, and regurgitates 20/40/60/80/100 snakes. Each snake has 10/20/30/40/80 health and does 4/8/12/16/20 damage. The snake demons do not attack structures. They have no time limit. Juniper can use demon cast again, and Po will suck in the existing snakes, and spit out new ones.
Hotkey 4: Po Po Jo - no mana cost - instant CT - 20 CD - switches to Po, the ability is ready to use at the start of the game, (sort of like QoT’s)
Abilities – Active: Po:
Hotkey 1: Temper Tantrum – 2 Lvls. (requires JuniPo to be at level 5 then level 8) – 1000 mana – 2 CT - 25CD – Po gets enraged and throws a tantrum! Hitting her (looks like a he, so let use “he”)~ hitting his hands on the ground Po does 200 /400damage per sec to a radius that is half his current line of sight, harming all ground units and structures (including allies, NO AIR UNITS, such as flying Regulus or angels). Wailing and screaming, Po deals 100/200 damage per sec to all units (allied, enemy, ground, air, structures). Last for 2/4 sec.
Hoteky 2: Power Beam – 2 Lvls. (requires JuniPo to be at level 4 then level 8)– 100 mana - 2 CT – 15 CD – Po swallows an enemy or allied spawn (like a priest, golem or w/e), opens he mouth, and releases the spawn as an energy beam, it is thinner and stronger near Po’s mouth, but as it travels, it gets wider and weaker. The beam does damage equal to 100%/200% the spawn’s health+attack. It travels 25 yards straight, and looses 3.33% attack power each yard after the first 5 yards.
Hotkey 3: Gluttony – 1 Lvl. (requires JuniPo to be at level 10) – 1500 mana - 4 CT - 35 CD – Po enlarges his mouth and eats a single enemy demigod. There is a drawback, as he loses health for 100% the enemy’s health+attack. (so be careful when doing this with less than 50% health, as you may die)
Hotkey 4: Ju Ju Pa (Requires JuniPo at level 2) - no mana cost - instant CT - 20 CD - switches to Juniper, same as Po Po Jo
Abilities – Passive: Both:
Jinxed Atmosphere (Requires Hex at level 5) - 1 Lvl: cuts the base mana of all enemy demigods, within line of sight, by 25%. Only effects enemy demigods when they are within your line of sight.
Golden Parasol – 1 Lvl (requires Junipo at level 15) Whenever Juniper’s health is 50% or less, she becomes immune to ranged attacks of spawns and towers. Whenever Po’s health is 20% or less, he becomes immune to ranged attacks of spawns and towers.
Fire Fire! – 1 Lvl (requires Junipo at level 2) - The fireworks that Po carries on his back become possessed by magic. They automatically attack all towers in sight. Deals 10% damage to the structures.
*****I am not sure of adding this ability:
Unseen Link (requires JuniPo at level 20) – 1 lvl – Po breaks free of Juniper’s grasp; play with them independently. (still, if one dies so does the other.)
STATS: (Varies on which character is active, thus giving you limited boosts, but enlarges combo possibilities)
Juniper: Beginning level, Last level
HP: 1000//2000 (Divide max hp on lvl 20, 4000, and you would get how much hp she gets per lvl up)
MP: 5000//6000 (divide by 20)
Armor: 15//150 (divide by 20)
Damage: 100-300//100-500 (divide by 20)
Attack Speed: 1
Range: 20 yards
Movement Speed: 5
Juniper: Beginning level, Last level
HP: 4000//6000 (Divide max hp on lvl 20, 4000, and you would get how much hp he gets per lvl up)
MP: 2000//2200 (divide by 20)
Armor: 400//800 (divide by 20)
Damage: 200-200//400-400 (divide by 20)
Attack Speed: 2
Range: 20 yards
Movement Speed: 5
Tell me, what do you think of this demigod in the game? (Don't hold anything back!)