Now you are acting like you "know" it is an exploit, by people who dont want to get a loss. You just dont want to admit that your argument ... is total BS, since you dont play ranked games online...
I wasn't aware I was making an argument, I was stating facts: the Invalid Gamestate error occurs when the game becomes desynced - this means that one of the people playing reported a different set of events than everyone else. This occurs when a connection falls too far behind everyone elses, when data becomes corrupted travelling between players and when someone invokes the known exploit. How does my not playing in Public games effect the validity of these facts?
So yeah you play with some nice people who are not jerks, and they dont try to exploit/hack the game... what does that have anything to do with the rest of us?
It has to do with the OP inferring that the cause of the desync was Demigod's fault, when I can quite honestly attest to the opposite. Demigod's netcode is rock solid, data corruption of any kind happens in so few cases as to be considered an abnormality rather than the norm, thus my playing with people not invoking the exploit stands as evidence that the players in the game have either bad connections and computers that do not perform to required level, or someone in the game invoked the exploit. As I play across a VPN - Virtual Private Network, also can be considered a WAN - I connect to everyone else via the Internet, not through Local Area Networks. If Demigod's network code caused the desync issues, I'd see them as the data has to travel identically - across the internet - in both cases.
Also, since you do know that it is jerks who cause this error in order to avoid a loss (finally you have figured it out), and you are so smart knowing exactly how it happens, why dont you try to help SD/GPG to find a way to avoid these exploits?
Actually, I've been using my own example a VPN as evidence that the Desync issue is caused by third party interference rather than Demigod itself since the issue first arose; as I said, I've literally never seen it. Not once. Ever. Considering the netcode is the same regardless of which 'mode' you play, the issue isn't something as simple as improving the netcode: it's already rock solid.
What you're asking is for GPG or Stardock to find a way to prevent people from messing with the LUA files while the game is active, despite the fact that one of the benefits of the engine in use is it's real time file use - it speeds up change development immensley - and thus it would require a partial engine re-write. Do you have any suggestions? I can't think of any.
I am simply trying to say that me and other people who have spent a LOT of hours playing, and have a lot of games online, have seen more Sh!t in this game than most people. I am not saying just me, but many people who have played over 700-800 games total, since the infamous Invalid gamestate error first appeared.
What you're saying is people experience an error frequently when playing with random players. What I am saying is that I have never experienced this issue when not playing with random players. The constant, or lack there of, and logical source of the issue: random players. This doesn't mean everyone uses the exploit - it means that either data corruption occurs, someone's PC or internet connection falls too far behind,
or the exploit was used. I can rule out data corruption through logical deduction - leaving only shit connections and computers or assholes as the cause of the issue.
never once posted and said "HAHAHA FUCK YOU I DON'T GET THIS PROBLEM - SUCK IT". I've posted in numerous threads stating the fact that this issue isn't caused by Demigod; it's caused by random players and offered my own example as evidence to since. I've been saying this since a kind fellow PM-ed me the specifics of how to reproduce the exploit, which was shortly after it became an issue. I usually post this in threads such as these "ZOMG DEMIGOD SUCSK, ACCOUNT CANCELLED!11!!!".
How do you stop people from invoking the exploit when the engine was
designed to allow it? Come up with a solution and email it to I'll be eagerly awaiting your solution.