As a DG player I want Wand of Speed to not stop the player upon use so that it can actually be used to escape a pursuing enemy.
As a DG player I want the pathfinding fixed so that I don't get stuck on corners while chasing enemy units.
As a DG player I want Favor Items to all have the same cost and be balanced to be equal with each other so that the retarded system we have now disappears forever.
As a DG player I want the AA animations completed so that the game looks like it was made by professionals.
As a DG player I want damage, dodge and snare items significantly buffed so that HP and mana stacking are not the only viable choices.
As a DG player I want a fully fleshed out set of line of sight items introduced into the game so that vision range becomes another layer of complexity to be taken into account during gameplay.
As a Rook player I want the use of Hammer/Transfer/etc. on a tower to not cause my player to sit there daydreaming instead of continuing to AA so that the game looks less stupid.
As a Torch player I want switching between Fire and Ice mode to not interrupt my movement (like Queen's change works) so that playing an underpowered DG like Torch is less of a chore.
As a Regulus player I want Deadeye to be completely replaced so that I have a skill that's actually worth getting.
As a Beast player I want Wrath rebalanced so that it becomes a viable alternative to either Spit or Ooze.
As a Queen player I want Shamblers and Uproot completely rebalanced so that I have more then one weakling build to choose from.
As a Sedna player I want Yeti's rebalanced so that I can actually play this character like a General.
As an Oak and Erebus player I want nothing 'cause they seem pretty good as-is.