As a DG player I want UB to have his spit setup time increased and for it to be interruptable because it's too awesome right now.
As a DG player I want UB's Foul Grasp to not allow stun stacking because all of the other stuns have this.
As a DG player I want to support Cowbuttzex's suggestions because they're good, but I don't support his name.
As an Oak player I want him to not get nerfed or buffed in any way.
As a DG player I want all of the favor items to be available to every character type, because some of the assassin items would be awesome for a general and vice versa.
As a DG player that relies on kills for advancement please change sigil of vitality because used in conjunction with a minor heal potion it makes all DG's immortal.
As an UB player I want ooze to not cancel my current action (be it attacking or running away) so that I dont have to frantically click to continue what I was doing (be it attacking or running away)
.... in fact ...
As a Demigod player I want all actions that have a cast time of "instant" to not interrupt my current action so that I dont have to frantically click to continue what I was doing.
As a queen of thorns player I want less vines in my way of viewing.
Love this stuff. Expecially the less vines.
A wise man was said the moment you start cussing is the sign that shows you have ran out of intelligent things to say.
You do realize this is all true Gnome. Seriously explain stuff with reason and not swearing and people will believe you. If you can't then don't say anything because you aren't contributing at all to the forums.
AS a 50 something games played 25% win player I want the ability to hide that information.
Epoch 3! w00t
"Than why are you still here? Shoo fly go away."
I paid my money, I'll hang around if I want to.
Oh you sure can. It's just people will hate you for it.
As a demigod forum junkie i want an ignore button so you can ignore people who make no possitive contributions to forums.
Tell yah a secret: he's trolling for shits and giggles just ignore him. Assume whatever he said is false and invalid and no one cares and it's clearly wrong (even if it is actually right). He'll go away eventually.
Or not. w/e. If he wants to waste his time posting on a forum about a video game that he doesn't play, that's his perogative :shrug: maybe he has nothing better to do?
Here here.