Ok so here's how I'm going to do this
2 builds: yours (Improved) = Hybrid w/mist stun and Mine(hybrid w/bite, batswarm)
First, I didn't watch the replays cause it seems as though you've changed playstyle since then.
First, Imo stats = bad, because the offer less versatility and if the game reaches giants your entire build becomes useless, also it doesn't help much when you are against a AOE dg
Which brings me to my second point HoB always and forever for minion builds the Hp regen is good for both you and your minions and will help you counteract AOE and take down towers faster while all RoDM does is allow you to hurt other DG's and early game creep waves. Also, b/c of recent changes minions are not fast enough to hurt a fleeing dg making RoDM even more useless because they will simply cap the flag and sit at their tower, until you expose yourself.
Ok build time.
Level 1: Save
Level 2: Coven 1 + Improved Conversion Aura 1
Level 3: Mist
Level 4: Stun
Level 5: Coven 2
You should go shopping about now and get the following imo
banded, scaled helm, (check cur or fs 1) then it depends you want vlemish to help with misting and stun, or you could get hauberk but if you get it then you cannot hug the towers b/c no point in health without fighting. If you have money left over plenor or siege archers
Level 6: Swarm 1
Level 7: ICA 2
Level 8: Coven 3
More shopping focus on mana
Level 9: ICA 3
Level 10-20: Max mist and stun
How to play it:
it depends if you hug towers a little less misting on the flag is a good idea while using minions w/ HOB to harass the towers
if you insist on religious tower hugging skip mist and grab more stun points then lure your opponent into tower range and stun while attacking w/ minions
IMO this is a bad build... you can't hold the flags or push a lane easily because of tower hugging and any decent bite build WILL push you out of the lane (I'm biased shhhh)
MY build: (ofc the best )
Favor: HoB
Items: Monks
1 Bite
2 Coven
4 Bite
5 Coven
6 Swarm
7 Bite
8 Coven
9 ICA 2
10 Bite
11 ICA 3
12 Swarm 2
13 Poisoned Blood
14 Poisoned Blood
15 Depends, if giants are out lifesteal aura, if night the army of the night thingy
16 what you didn't get earlier
17-20 stun/mist/stats all depends on map and giants
Stay out as long as possible for a level and gold adv focus on holding the lane and flag and when the other dg shops pop HoB and work on the tower
Shopping: lvl5
Banded and Scaled Helm
Cur if you can
Fs1 next
And if you still have gold Vlemish
Maybe high priest if you go back to the crystal
Lvl 7-10 Shopping:
Unbreakables, Plenor, Nimoth (the magic $$ 1500)
Then Hauberk
After that narmoths ring
You should be buying cit after lvl 10 unless you can get godplate…
The ONLY person who can push you out of a lane past lvl 5 is a BotS beast and a good one at that
Bite is very important don’t waste it only usse it when you get the maximum benefit of health, armor reduction, and slow Which means you need a decent number of pollies and you should have lost X health (depends on level of bite) also when facing another erebus DON’T bite first… think about it…
Once you get mana helms you should spam bite BUT always make sure you have enough mana for swarm it will save your life
You have epic gank and escape abilities, but if oak or UB comes into your lane make sure that you wear them down with your minions first.
During the first 5 levels or so minions will be your most important weapon but don’t be afraid to engage esp against towers.
Hmm that’s all I can think of just post any questions about my build cause I don’t have much experience with the mist/stun build