I have the occulus reg key now but where do I get it do I register that as a new key against demi god? I already have one. Instructions are very unclear. nonexistent.
Fixed that for you. A patch should not require the end user to do anything other than download and install it. It should not ask for an email address, particularly since I have already associated an email address with my Impulse account. It should not send me a serial number with no guidance as to what to do with it.
I've been using Impulse for 2-3 months now, and until today my impression was favorable. Stardock's product seemed on par with Steam, with which I have never had a problem or issue. Unfortunately, my opinion of Impulse has now taken a sharp downturn as a direct result of the byzantine patching/unlocking process for Oculus. In a truly polished product, all of this would be completely transparent to the user: download the update, run Demigod, boom, Oculus is unlocked for all game modes. I don't need to actually see the registration key unless I'm installing on a different machine, which I'm not. Stardock desperately needs to take a page from Valve's book on how to do online content delivery.