Wonder if morph will troll me for showing a weakness...
Nope. Not this time at least.
can you see em nows
Reduced 90%Original 661 x 465Reduced 92%Original 650 x 459
Yes, I can see your pics now, Skidi, they are very nice.
Btw, I want to kill those blasted birds, they ate my post

Its about time, I am half awake, half asleep atm, so I think I can do this already 
Ladies, and Gentlemen
By the power bestowed upon me by myself
, I hereby declare this day to be Lucky Karma-Day 
Prepare yourselves for the 3 Karma Events, are about to begin 
Ready or not, here it goes:
Karma Event #1
- The next 3 people that post after me, earn
karma each one.
*Note: Double posts dont matter, this isnt karma for the 3 next posts, but for the next 3 PEOPLE, that post.
Karma Event #2
- The person that makes at least 3 people Laugh Out Loud (LOL), with a joke, earns
*Note: This HAS to be a joke, not a pic, and these 3 people need to be one of "us" (people from the Chatroom)
Karma Event #3
- The person that posts a pic of him/her here in the Chatroom, earns
*Note: People that have already posted a pic of themselves, cant complete this event.
- All the events are 1 time only, meaning that once they are complete, they cannot be done do again.
- All the events apply only to the Chatroom, and FOR the people in the Chatroom.
- The karma will be given by me only, and it counts as "free karma", as to you dont have to try really hard to earn it.
- You dont have to ask "why you are doing this morph?". I dont know, it sounds like fun. Dont ask me why, just enjoy it.
Ready? Set. GO

p.s. Are you lurking in the forums? Are you spam-clicking the "my replies" button constantly, waiting for a new reply? Well its your LUCKY day, Lurker, you can earn free karma 
"Successful Troll is Successful"