me and my Mom don't get along all that well.... particularly on issues of religion, work ethic, motivation, and destiny...
And if I listened to her more often, I wouldn't be here! She used to forbid me from talking w/ anyone online. EVER! Even when I was 14! So one day I just snuck on here.
The only thing I really should listen to her about would be to gtfo out the house sometime.
I just remembered that my crush is going to Utah over the summer to see her G-ma, so.... yea.
Xer0 \^/
EDIT\\\ Damn! you old people type fast!
The only reason I got caught was because the coal stove finally turned itself off while I was on (It's a good 70 out today) so she comes down to see what's up, notices that the computer's screen-saver isn't on (I forgot to set it to 1 minute when I got on...) so she naturally comes in my room, gets me up and tells me off.