How will you bring the majority of the human race into the correct mindset to achieve this goal?
That is the most difficult task we humans must complete, and this is why I said that it can only happen gradually during time, if you remember.
There is absolutely no chance that every human being alive will wake up one day, and say, "hey I must change the way I think".
You can consider this task (nearly) impossible within a short period of time.
Also, I find your take on money quite interesting. I assume you know the origin of money as we know it, but the core principal was that rather than trade two sheep for a cow, you'd trade bits of metal that represented the value of two sheep, which could then be spent on two sheep, or in this instance, a cow.
Yes, I know that.. But that is completely irrelevant. It is just history. Right now, money only represents money, thus it represents nothing at all.
As you said, it's changed a lot, but in your system, surely there must still be something that one man has which another hasn't? So trade begins again, and people soon find carrying a table around to swap for a man's wardrobe a little tiring, and will want to carry something that represents the value of their table. How would you abolish money? Abolish trade? Give everyone everything?
And again, we come to my point, when I said that we must change the way we think. Our society today, is completely materialistic, and our shallow minds cannot comprehend a different state of mind that values more solid things, like new discoveries, inventions, advances in technology, etc.
This is what nobody can understand, that the true change, must first come within us. This is why I say that we have to change the way we think.
So to answer directly to your question: No, this wouldnt happen, because people simply would not want something unique that is only pretty, and doesnt offer them anything real. For, what use does a gold wristwatch has over a common metallic one? No further use at all, it is only considered valuable because it is mostly made of gold, and it is also shiny and pretty. In the society I mentioned, gold will probably have very limited use, being applicable only when it is more efficient than other metals.
But if someone made a wristwatch that has more functions and it is technically an improvement over other common wristwatches, then that model would go into production, and replace other older models. Like I already said, when someone makes something, whether that is a new discovery, or an invention, or simply an upgrade to something we already use, they contribute that to the society, receiving credit and emotional gratification for it.
As for personal preferences, aka someone wants that other cell phone that suits them better, because it is smaller, lighter, etc, then I really do not see why we should have only 1 model of everything, when right now we produce hundreds of different models of cell phones, and in fact new models come out literally every day.
The wristwatch and the cell phone were just examples. You get the point.
Greed is embedded in our current society, thus it only seems normal to you, that if there is something unique in the world, suddenly everyone would want it, even if it is inefficient, or inferior to existing items on production. This wont be the case if our society has eliminated the root causes of greed.
For, what makes people want something they dont already have? Scarcity, that is the cause of greed. If someone told you that only 10 cars exist in the whole world today, and each one of them lasted for 20 years before it breaks down, wouldnt you want 1 of them? Of course you would, driving a car is must faster and much more convenient than walking. If you literally had everything you need, with society providing you all these goods, then you wouldnt crave for something, just because of its uniqueness, considering that your mind is not corrupted by the current trends and notions of our society.
In the older days, there was true scarcity in the world, as we didnt have the kind of technology needed to produce certain goods, to extract valuable materials like gold, silver etc, we didnt even have the kind of technology needed to make enough food for everyone. Right now, we do have that kind of technology, and looking at the hi-tech chicken farms is a good example.
Right now, scarcity is artificially being created by most of the big multinational companies in the world. Example: Lamborgini has made a relevantly new model, called "Reventon". They produced only 20 of them for the public, making it 1 of the rarest supercars to ever come into production, making most "petrolheads" on earth to want to drive it, even for a few minutes. They burn diamonds in certain places in the world, thus making them more scarce than they already are. I dont think I need to give more examples, as to how scarcity is being forced in our society.
The thing is, that currently the notion that you must have something that is rare/scarce is embedded in our society, to an extent never seen before. And it is rooted deep inside ones mind, as we are constantly being bombarded by commercials telling us that "you must acquire this, you must have that", and that brings people into such a materialistic state of mind, that we come to the point where we literally give more value to our property, than a human life, on some cases.
In short, no this barter thing you mentioned, would not happen, considering that what I said takes effect, aka we redesign our culture, and change the way we think, thus creating a completely new society.
I hope you can understand that, and if not, well, sorry about that 
Note: When you said "How will you bring the majority...." and "but in your system", why the reference in second person?
1. I cannot do anything to change the whole world, and
2. This is not MY system, this is the Venus Project, slightly altered to fit my beliefs (example: the VP says that we can all have state of the art technology, and use it on a mass scale. I disagree, we dont need the best thing that technology has to offer, we can live just fine with more basic goods).
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