What i wrote here got me evntualy banned in demigod
some kid with mental problems named cheesuscrust in game
its not because u did some stuff for stardock team u can run over everyones head son
its actualy a reply on this http://forums.demigodthegame.com/399173/#2807779
started her , pacov started his personal war because , i write her u seem to work for stardock then he kicked me out of a game
for his so called invicable friends who where comming
quote who="OMG_pacov" reply="19" id="2807909"]well, for those that are interested - your_maker replies here regularly on different accounts. This pretty much takes the trouble out of looking. But that said, yes, you can find users by IP trace as long as you know where to look for the IP. Especially on a user that's jumping from account to account and following me about. Anyway, the last thing he told me was that he's my worst nightmare.
Anyway, I forward his comments onto stardock (so its clear what his behavior is and has been)... so, now he's been banned on 1 account. He has several others that I listed, but those won't be banned unless he continues his behavior on them as well (i doubt it will take him long, sadly). He apparently has trouble learning that all he has to do is stop being a jerk and there wouldn't be a bit of hostility towards him. I really wonder why he has a problem accepting that he doesn't have many friends in demigod when all he does is insult people on his team and those he's against. In his head, he's a great player that's simply being discriminated against because people are afraid of his talent or... well, I don't really know. Its just a game that several of us play for fun. And he's a guy that chases new players off. At any rate, he's getting some attention by pestering me, so perhaps that helping him in his life someway. I'm thinking of just starting a tribute thread so he can live out his dreams there. Though I should probably (and will likely) just ignore his bullocks going forward. I really want to give the guy the benefit on the doubt, but he seems hellbent on just being a nuisance, so I can only assume that he's just a guy starved for attention and has found that in my bothering to acknowledge him.
Anyway, blahblahblah - just relax bud - have fun in demigod land. Play some games. Enjoy yourself.
this is why your an absolete bitch
and kicked me first for fun out your lobby then said your friends need to join 
yes its your only wake up call
because if you will ignore this you will only ignore yourself
it's for all !