I appreciate the value of a refit as part of getting ready for release, but the change to a black background for the forums is awful, at least for readability.
The new home page looks sharper and the black is OK there because it isn't a big reading thing. But please, please, please tweak this tweak so we don't have to read white on black forum threads for the game's life cycle.
Unfortunately, in order to keep consistency with the site, the design will not be changing in the near future. If it is that big of a problem there are ways to modify designs to your liking using addons through your browser. I know that isn't the greatest solution but since we can't do it, you still have the option of doing something
Use RED, It's far easier to see...like Blood.
Bright red on black does not match the theme of the site, nor does it make it any more readable, imo.