Welcome to the 2nd Demigod Community Tournament Scheduling Thread
Here's a link back to the rules and registration thread: http://forums.impulsedriven.com/396231
Please use this thread to schedule your matches. Remember, all teams are responsible for hosting and scheduling their own matches!
There will be a need to disqualify teams that aren't making the required effort to get their games in without penalizing another team that's doing whatever they can to get a match scheduled. It's probably best if teams that are trying to organize matches go on record in the forums. For instance, if I wanted to get a game going against AtMa and Ba, I'd post something like the following in this thread:
Atma + Ba: trouser and pacov are generally available M-F from 5pm EST - 1AM EST. Please let us know if some time in that slot would work for you or recommend a time slot that works. I'll PM you in a few days if I haven't heard from you or we can discuss this on lagwars vent.
Something like that. If it comes down to disqualifying teams because they didn't get their match in, the more info and tracking you have indicating that you did your best to get the match scheduled the better.
And remember, you can use this thread, use pm's on the forums, use the lagwars vent, whatever method you want to get your games going.
So, all of that said, I'd like to kick things off and start checking in on folks availability for Saturday (10/16). Ideally, I'd like to get as many people on at the same time on 10/16 and just get some games going to kick the tournament off.
Please use the following spreadsheet to update your availability: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AvMuQE400v-JdHBSQUxRUXZZUFlrUXBrc295bFd1RFE&hl=en&authkey=CKC6regB#gid=0