I am swedish and english is not my natural language, no.
However, I have been able to speak english since I was 12, and work alot with it.
I did the common misstake and didnt read through it enough before I sent it.
I should have started with either "Dear sir or madam", or "To whom it may concern"
Also...what a GRAND misstake to send to the wrong company. I'll send it to Gas powered games then.
The reason why I added that they can charge for addon was to show them that I as a costumer is more then willing to pay....which is the ONLY thing these companies listen to....money
. Sure its obvious but when you are on a date, do you not tell your girl how goodlooking she is no matter what you think? 
Before I send this to GPG, I welcome any suggestions and changes you may see fit.
Oh, The uberfix, I just wanted them to know about it. And YES, there is new players coming. This is also something their company needs to see.....
Yep, I am a positive person and tend to be excessive when I got an interest for something. Please feel free to give me pointers before I send the email to GPG.