After watching a bunch of replays and playing over 50 games I realized how boring things are around here.
How all classes have the same exactly build.
It's always same thing for the "pro" players. Get 4 items with HP+Armor+Regen and 1 item with mana+manaregen
Nop, no damage, if you are greed, just buy the invuerability heart(forgot the name).
I tested it, and saw that it rly works, we turns into a machine, and no dmg build can actually overhelm you, with your 5k-7k HP.
I was rly enjoying the game, now I just realized that it's same thing. You will rarely buy artifacts, since the best items are cheap(I mean cost benefits. At most you gonna change your "out of the base armor" for one better, or your mana regen item, for something better too, but with the same function.
All this shit happens because you have no way to defend against kill dmg, so your only solution is to get tons of HP so you can have anychance to survive a skill combo from the oposite team.
If the developers would give a little damn, just little, they should add some items to resist skill dmg, and increase the price for those so "popular" items on the game. And I mean rly increase it, making it very expensive to afford so much defense, or better yet, make a HP and mana limitation on every class. Like rook who should be the one with most hp on the entire game on lvl 20,he should have at MOST 7k allowed. But to do that, they need to give somekind of resistence to the heros. Regulus, TB or oculus, are not even close to be fragile on this game, since people just put a bunch of hp on then, and they are just like anyother hero, and heros like DA or Regulus, who theoricly should relay on DPS to kill, instead, will always go for the nuke skills, because getting atk speed and weapon dmg is for pussys, because the true DG players just get their HP to at least 5k, mana to 3k, stick all skill points in anything that deals directly dmg and go kick ass.
Horrible. I must be honest, I had more fun playing with bots. Not echanted AI. Echanted AI just makes you fell like you arep playing some brainless MP game that everybody will have tons of hp, and you will never be able to kill them with dmg build.
Sorry for that, but I'm completly disapointed to this game right now. I don't recomend anyone to this game. Very very very good potential, fun game at the begining, but after...its just the same thing. No matter if you are the mage, the archer or the assassin, you gonna become the tank.
How this game was suposed to be:
DA - Killer/DPS
TB - Nuker/CC
UB - DPS/Off-tank/CC
Rook - Tank/support
Regulus - DPS/ganker
Oak - Tank/Support
Sedna - Support
Erebus - Pusher/ganker
Oculus - Nuker/CC/ganker
QOT - Support/CC
How its:
Everybody is tank/off-tank/nuker no exception, maybe rook can't be considered nuker.
This is my vision of this game. And I think it's dumb to be so limited the strategys to be able to do ANYTHING on this game on MP match, except of course, if you playing with someone with 0 games, they don't know that yet.