Hi everyone.
I want to bring up a subject that have annoyed me since the start about this game. WAY to many people think the match is over if they dont get a perfect start, or if their team dies a few times.
Please listen.....
Untill your Citadel is in ruins or about to get exploded, it is NOT over!!! Sure, you will have a harder challange, but guess what. THATS WHAT MAKES THE GAME FUN!
How fun is it to start a game, totaly crush someone and win in 15 mins? Eh? *clap* *clap*.
I have seen ALOT of the new players who dont give up actually almost win, and in some cases win, even if the deaths are against them. Check my own stats if you do not believe me. I have wun alot of games with far more deaths on my team then the other.
I am not saying the most important thing in the game is not to die, cause it is. Keeping alive is even more important that actually doing anything 
HOWEVER...the game is NOT over! Fight! Wimps!
(Only those who quits)
Yours, Maulkin. Usally play Sedna now.