There's a high elo Wukong main that people always reference. In his guide he advises to always keep up the pure AD build no matter how badly you're doing in lane. Don't ever give up and go tanky.
Unfortunately I don't see the same philosophy working with Rene
Yeah - agreed. At least wu still has a relatively safe flash or stealth engage, even with full AD.
I actually completely get why he's run swift boots now, though. It's almost entirely about increasing your ability to stick to folks and get to carries during a very short time window. As you are squishy, you've really got to unload your combo quickly (and while you are alive) - and to do that, you have to get right up on em.
Anyway, same renekton experience for me in both games I played with the damage lean. I do really well early/mid. I'm not snowballing the game as much as I need to with that lead. I think things will even out for me/the team mid/early late.
I think a proper strat is to win lane early mid. Get a kill to start and then tiamat on 1st back. lane again, farm well and hopefully pick up another kill (def don't die). After that, its most ideal to get rift herald then go to a diff lane at least briefly.
The more I think about it and experiment with the RH buff, I'm convinced you absolutely want to be in a lane with someone else the enemy top laner is about to return. And as you can't necessarily count on your jungler to come help you push the wave (I tend to think its best to dbl team and either tower dive or put considerable pressure on the turret to maximize the buff), its probably best to go mid and push in with your mid - and if possible, rope your jungler in as well. That also enables you to rotate to dragon immediately after and worst case you give up your top tower. I really don't think solo pushing your lane with the buff is worth it. You need to move very quickly with this build and stalling out means not such good things.
So yeah, if you can pull it off AD Rene and keep rolling great. I never really could. I just ended up as the win lane but couldn't convert that advantage into a win type Rene player that Hedgie was referencing before.
yah - I'm going to keep at it a bit and get some more reps in. I'm still thinking that renek in this style is probably better the higher the elo where folks are all rotating properly and keyed into pushing/snowballing the game.
I watched a few very high elo replays yesterday from the league of graphs site. These were not using either of the builds I've been using, but gave a very clear illustration of how to snowball properly with renek.
1 game had a nidalee jungle that kept ganking for renek and snowballed the crap out of his lane. The enemy jungler focused on other lanes and kept control in other places, but top lane spun out of control. 20 + minutes in the team with the renek had managed to take 2 turrets top, but had made very little progress mid and bottom (both turrets were still up). But the game completely rotated to top lane focus. Bot lane stopped worrying about bot lane... didn't even send the adc to farm and get up to strength. instead, they just blitzed things, dumped all their resources into winning via top lane. Seemed really unique to me, but the team with renks jungle and mid rotated up to top quickly and put out rediculous pressure. Then the bot lane rotated to mid/top. Game ended at at like 21 minutes with folks completely abandoning other objectives in favor of putting the game away as quickly as possible.
Also, in that game, the renek RARELY based. He stayed out and the jungler just camped his lane until they'd get another kill or 2 - then he'd base. Not saying camp renek is the correct call, but I did enjoy watching how things went.