innociv currently has 34 karma from 34 submissions.

View karma innociv has given
Karma Received
  1. May 25, 2009
    NO COMBINE RECIPES - This instead! (PICTURES OMG) - Also, reduce clutter!
  2. May 25, 2009
    NO COMBINE RECIPES - This instead! (PICTURES OMG) - Also, reduce clutter!
  3. May 19, 2009
    NO COMBINE RECIPES - This instead! (PICTURES OMG) - Also, reduce clutter!
  4. May 11, 2009
    NO COMBINE RECIPES - This instead! (PICTURES OMG) - Also, reduce clutter!
  5. May 06, 2009
    NO COMBINE RECIPES - This instead! (PICTURES OMG) - Also, reduce clutter!
  6. May 06, 2009
    NO COMBINE RECIPES - This instead! (PICTURES OMG) - Also, reduce clutter!
  7. May 04, 2009
    NO COMBINE RECIPES - This instead! (PICTURES OMG) - Also, reduce clutter!
  8. May 01, 2009
    Suggestions for the next balance/gameplay patch. Bugs and balance.
  9. May 01, 2009
    Suggestions for the next balance/gameplay patch. Bugs and balance.
  10. Apr 29, 2009
    NO COMBINE RECIPES - This instead! (PICTURES OMG) - Also, reduce clutter!
  11. Apr 29, 2009
    Deep Freeze/Mass Charm bug still exists
  12. Apr 29, 2009
    Suggestions for the next balance/gameplay patch. Bugs and balance.
  13. Apr 26, 2009
    Caster Buff Items
  14. Apr 24, 2009
    NO COMBINE RECIPES - This instead! (PICTURES OMG) - Also, reduce clutter!
  15. Apr 23, 2009
    Collection of UI/controls suggestions - updated on april 26th
  16. Apr 22, 2009
    KARMA WORKS!!111!!!1
  17. Apr 21, 2009
    Demigod needs a forest style 'real world location' map.
  18. Apr 21, 2009
    patch...what patch???
  19. Apr 20, 2009
    Slidin' down the slippery slope
  20. Apr 19, 2009
    Collection of UI/controls suggestions - updated on april 26th
  21. Apr 18, 2009
    The real price of bad connections.
  22. Dec 18, 2008
    I don't think 4 active abilities is enough. Also, actives and passives need different icons.
  23. Dec 10, 2008
    Demigod BETA 2 Update Thread with comments from Mike Marr, lead designer
  24. Sep 11, 2008
    [Crash] 20 minute games
  25. Sep 08, 2008
    NO COMBINE RECIPES - This instead! (PICTURES OMG) - Also, reduce clutter!
  26. Sep 08, 2008
    NO COMBINE RECIPES - This instead! (PICTURES OMG) - Also, reduce clutter!
  27. Sep 08, 2008
    NO COMBINE RECIPES - This instead! (PICTURES OMG) - Also, reduce clutter!
  28. Sep 07, 2008
    NO COMBINE RECIPES - This instead! (PICTURES OMG) - Also, reduce clutter!
  29. Sep 07, 2008
    NO COMBINE RECIPES - This instead! (PICTURES OMG) - Also, reduce clutter!
  30. Sep 07, 2008
    [Feedback/Idea] Scoreboard is a MUST!
  31. Sep 07, 2008
    NO COMBINE RECIPES - This instead! (PICTURES OMG) - Also, reduce clutter!
  32. Sep 06, 2008
    [Suggestion] MiniMap
  33. Sep 03, 2008
    unit variety
  34. Aug 24, 2008
    Gas Powered Games Net aka.
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