Great suggestions!
Did you know: Erebus can teleport behind the base on Crucible and take over the base flag? This occurred to a friend and I one game after we were clearly winning – our units were fully upgraded and the opposing player teleported, took our base flag while we were in his base, and beat us – seriously?
Crucible just in general needs to be fixed. But yes, I think most of us will agree with you on this one.
Generals need to be able to track their minions via a GUI. Some people have suggested a portrait style system. This is absolutely key to generals – I don’t even know how much damage the minions do, let alone how helpful they are.
This too.
The pathing sometimes gets bugged when you attempt to click to go back to your base from a far distance.
I've also noticed that sometimes that pathing can't even automatically negotiate a corner. Pathing in general needs to be tweaked probably.
You should be able to click on the mini-map to see an area. This is especially useful on bigger maps where navigating across takes a pretty decent amount of time.
I personally don't need this, but a lot of people have said they would like it. Also, a team ping for the minimap is needed badly!
There needs to be a way to quickly return to your hero once you do look around the map (Like F1/Spacebar/etc.). I am aware you can double click on your portrait, but I’d like to see a keyboard shortcut.
Not such a bad idea.
You should somehow be able to see other player’s items (or at least favor items). This can be argued either way, but I’d like to personally see it implemented.
I definitely disagree with this. First of all, I can't see this being easy to look at while in the thick of battle, and secondly it just seems uneccesary in general, as many PvP games including MMORPGs with strong PvP elements don't typically allow this.
When using some melee abilities (such as Bite with Erebus) the ability either does not activate or bugs you into losing control of your hero sometimes.
Hah, wasn't aware of this. I'd be curious to see this happen for myself 
The Hero speed needs to be increased by about 30-50% of the current speed (estimate).
Speed can be made faster in the options menu. I think the default speed is just fine, to be honest.
Please make it possible to see someone’s record in the lobby of a game, or somehow get this information within the game without alt-tabbing.
Yeah, this would definitely be nice too.
Allied chat in game should be a different color than yours, so as to more clearly see another person is typing (lobby and in game). well as this!
An arranged team with friends for Patheron games is greatly needed – I imagine this is coming with the enhancements of “guilds,” but it is sorely needed.
Yeah, for sure, especially if Pantheon games are going to be the only way to gain favor points. A guild system would be neat too.
Again, pretty great suggestions in my opinion.