WARNING: This will not work online through Impulse. You can use GameRanger or Hamachi to make use of this.
Also, since this mods gameplay, all players in the game must have this mod installed.
Created for version: 1.00.0114
Are you sick of trying to Pounce on a fleeing enemy only to have your Sedna sit there doing nothing? Sick of being cursed by your team-mates for not healing even though you tried? Ever want to break your keyboard when Erebus fails to use his bite? This mod fixes these problems. Skills should always fire correctly when using this mod. Enjoy
Download link: Savefile
1) You must have Sorian's Mod Manager setup in order to use this mod. More info on this here: http://www.gamereplays.org/community/index.php?showtopic=408370
2) Once you have the Mod Manager setup, extract the folder "SkillsNotWorkingFix" (including the folder itself) into your 'mods' folder in your dgdata.zip folder.
eg. C:\Program Files (x86)\Stardock Games\Demigod\dgdata.zip\mods\SkillsNotWorkingFix
3) Startup Demigod.
4) Enable the mod in the Mod Manager.
5) Play singleplayer or a lan game, as mods do not work through Impulse as of yet.