Actually, I am not sure what
Quoting Shurdus, reply 5Some of the things make a lot of sense, but also some of these things are highly advanced stuff. Knowing exactly when to get what in the citadel comes to mind... It takes quite a big chuink of experience to know those things. In a month from now, your views on your current strategies may have changed quite a lot so even you may consider the things that you do now quite nooby in a month.
Another one is not strict enough like the dying twice in under 3 mins in. I think dying even once 3 mins in is horrible and noobish...
True, strategies change, but for now I belive most of my list is correct, so for now thats how I can help (twisted way of helping I know).
About the dying part, well, you are correct. I just added a death for enphasis.
Quoting ntropy, reply 9If you don’t know the primary target in a X Vs X encounter (with X dif than 1): ????
This one isn't as trivial as it seems?
Yeah, that one is very situational, maybe shouldn't be there, maybe. Lots of good players may go wrong on this one and not be a noob, just not a very good/experienced player.
And yes, it isn't trivial.[/quote]
I'm not even sure what it means, much less whether it's trivial or not.
Actually, I do have problems sometimes coordinating attacks with my partners in 2v2 or 3v3 battles. I always target, basically, whichever enemy DG is "in front" so to speak, unless one is very heavily weakened and likely to die.
When partner DGs target other enemy DGs than the one I'm targetting, I'm never sure whether it's because I'm doing something wrong or whether it's because they are.
There are also situational factors like whether one of the enemy DGs is significantly under-leveled or has shown a tendency to feed or something.
Is that what we're talking about?